M-am apucat de "The Heist". Ăsta este un teaser. De ce l-am numit aşa? Pentru că "The Heist". va apărea episodic, şi va semăna cu un scenariu şi dacă îl printaţi şi îl mestecaţi o să aibă gust de film; nu dau date concrete sau programe pentru că n-o să mă ţin de promisiune. Aşa că aşteptaţi-vă ca sporadic, să apară episoade din "The Heist".. Şi cine zice că am promis să-l scriu în română este un mare mincinos şi ar trebui să-i fie ruşine!
I enter the room. They are all standing around the table. I don't like the faces. I don't like them at all...
"What happens?" I ask.
"Tech here interpreted your drawings."
"So it's good?" I ask.
"Well, your drawings were quite intelligible. Luckily, I know this type of systems and I was able to complete the whole wiring. I deduced two problems for which we are not prepared."
"What problems, Tech?" I ask. I start removing my leather jacket.
"One, if we bugger with the wiring, the system will interrupt itself and the alarm will go off, commencing the lock down. Two, the system is connected to a generator, buggering with the generator would set off the alarm causing the same effects."
"So we can't cut the power?" I ask as I remove my scarf.
"We can, but it would be useless..."
"How much time?"
"For what?"
"How much time until the generator starts. I ask, then I cross my feet and learn against the wooden door, crossing my arms. I could see all of them from that angle and I did not like the faces at all."
"Immediately", this time Kent answered.
"Impossible. How much time?" I insist.
"0 point four seven seconds." Kent answers.
"What can we do in this time?"
"Nothing. You don't have time to spit."
"You don't have time to spit." he repeated emphasizing word by word.
I was staring blankly at them. They returned the stare, some only returned a glance. But the faces were all the same: game over. My face was slightly different. I smiled: it was beginning.
*Vendor: *Y-3
*Type: *Footwear - Running
*Price: * 440.00
Product Code: AQ5500
Acum 8 ani
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